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Color Data


isBeeColored (Required)

This value is used to determine if a bee should have its primary and secondary color layer textures colorized. This value defaults to false and as such it must be set to true if you wish to have colored bees. Leave the value as false when you want to use a custom base layer texture only. The Diamond and Creeper default bees are good examples of this.

Honeycomb Color (Optionally Required)

The color value for the honeycomb is only a required value when the bee has the hasHoneycomb value set to true in the main data.

This value can be expressed in multiple ways but is encoded in the .json as a string. It can be expressed as a hexadecimal value with, or without, preceding tags, an integer value, or a named color from the available list found here. The color value is used to determine the bee's honeycomb color and honeycomb block color.


"honeycombColor": "#ff00ff"
"honeycombColor": "#fff"
"honeycombColor": "0xff00ff"
"honeycombColor": "white"

Primary Color & Secondary Color (Optionally Required)

The primary and secondary color values are required only when you want the bee to be colored using the boolean value isBeeColored.

These values can be expressed in multiple ways but are encoded in the .json as strings. They can be expressed as a hexadecimal value with, or without, preceding tags, an integer value, or a named color from the available list found here. The color values are used to colorize the primary layer and secondary layer textures for the bee.


"primaryColor": "#ff00ff"
"primaryColor": "#fff"
"secondaryColor": "0xff00ff"
"secondaryColor": "white"


The secondary color is not required if you would like a single color bee with black stripes.


The primary and secondary color are also used for coloring the bee in the bee jar and the spawn egg so supplying the primary and secondary colors with values will make those look better.


Primary & Secondary layer textures (Optional)

Should you wish to provide your own bee layer textures, there are two layer textures that can be customized. These textures are primaryLayerTexture, and secondaryLayerTexture. The textures can only be .png file types.

If you want to just use a texture that wont be recolored by our system you're looking for the baseLayerTexture in the main data.

The primary and secondary layer textures are the textures used for coloring the bee. If you would like to use different gray-scaled textures then the custom texture files must be located in the config\resourcefulbees\resources\assets\resourcefulbees\textures\entity directory found in the mod pack's directory.

The emissive layer texture is the texture used for giving the bees a layer that glows, similar to how spider eyes glow. You need to have isGlowing or isEnchanted set to true for this effect to happen. Setting a custom emissive texture will override the default vanilla glow, similar to enchanted items. Note that isGlowing and isEnchanted are mutually exclusive.


Sub-directories are supported as you will see in the example .json below


"primaryLayerTexture": "custom/alternative_primary_layer",
"secondaryLayerTexture": "custom/alternative_secondary_layer",
"emissiveLayerTexture": "custom/emissive_layer"

Sub-directories can be nested like so: "folder_1/folder_2/folder_3/texture"


The file extension is NOT REQUIRED in the .json value as that is automatically appended by the mod when rendering.


Currently we do not allow for full-fledged model customization, however, we do provide a few model options out of the box:

Ore (Optional)

The ORE modelType should be used when you want the bee to have "ore crystals" rendered on its back.


"modelType": "ORE"

Gelatinous (Optional)

The GELATINOUS modelType should be used when you want the bee to have a slime or honey block type appearance. This model type renders a translucent "gel layer."


"modelType": "GELATINOUS"

Dragon (Optional)

The DRAGON modelType should be used when you want the bee to have dragon horns and spines rendered on it's back.


"modelType": "DRAGON"

Queen (Optional)

The QUEEN modelType should be used when you want the bee to have a pretty crown rendered on it's head.


"modelType": "QUEEN"

Villager (Optional)

The VILLAGER modelType should be used when you want the bee to have a nose rendered on it's face, it looks at you disapprovingly.


"modelType": "VILLAGER"

Mushroom (Optional)

The MUSHROOM modelType should be used when you want the bee to have 2 mushrooms on it's back and a nice layer of mycelium or other foliage on it's back.


"modelType": "MUSHROOM"

Crop (Optional)

The CROP modelType should be used when you want the bee to crops growing on it's back and a nice layer of foliage on it's back.


"modelType": "CROP"

Armored (Optional)

The ARMORED modelType should be used if you want to armor up your bee.


"modelType": "ARMORED"


Glow Color & Enchanted Glow (Optional)

The color value for glowing is only a required value when the bee has the isGlowing value set to true.

This value can be expressed in multiple ways but is encoded in the .json as a string. It can be expressed as a hexadecimal value with, or without, preceding tags, an integer value, or a named color from the available list found here. The color value is used to determine the bee's honeycomb color and honeycomb block color.


"glowColor": "#ff00ff"
"glowColor": "#fff"
"glowColor": "0xff00ff"
"glowColor": "white"

isEnchanted set to true sets the bee to have the enchantment glint effect.


isGlowing and isEnchanted are incompatible.

is Rainbow Bee (Optional)

Set isRainbowBee to true when you want the bee to cycle through a rainbow of colors. Setting this option removes the need for a primary and secondary color.

"isRainbowBee": true


Here is the Color Data Template:

"ColorData": {
    "isBeeColored": true,
    "isRainbowBee": false,
    "isGlowing" : true,
    "glowColor" : "#55ff55",
    "isEnchanted" : false,
    "glowingPulse" : 2,
    "modelType": "DEFAULT"